
problems with easy solutions.

i have been 100% uninspired lately.

i think i might be dwelling too much on negative things. my stolen $600 hasn't helped much either.

i am excited for Christmas. to see my family, and girls. to meet the most precious first baby born into our clan.
i am excited for 2011. 2010 was out of control. in a span of 6 months time EVERY SINGLE person who was close to me got married, engaged, pregnant, gave birth, and/or disappeared. lots of exciting stuff, some sad stuff. all change. sometimes i feel like i'm living without a constant like it's my job. even though that's not really true.


i think i want to start some kind of photo project for the new year. since i will have a new dslr and lots of new things to learn, it seems like the perfect time to start some kind of 365 day project. but i would like to think of an interesting theme to narrow the set into...any ideas?

i finally got settled enough at the new place to set up a little studio for myself and update the shop. even though the natural light situation in my apartment is HORRID, i kinda dig the overexposed look of the new photos.

heads & pants are overrated.

Lots of stuff up NOW, more to come on Wednesday! lots of sparkly and fun things for NYE, perhaps?

Wish me luck for my drive home tomorrow. i am going to be traveling for 6 hours in the car with a VERY cranky, crying cat.


good reason to take loads of pictures.

love this stop motion movie of a west coast road trip. via jason's tumblr.

LA to Santa Cruz to Portland to Seattle and Back from Ian Flanigan on Vimeo.

it makes me think, as many things do nowadays, what kind of camera should i buy? i am ready for a new one, but the choices as far as entry-level dslrs are positively mind numbing.

and now it's time for a gratuitous picture of my cat:
she has been such a little fashion plate lately, posing for photos left and right. i find her in the bathtub all the time, licking at the water left from the shower. it always makes me think she must not have any in her bowl, but of course she always does. she just likes the tub. perhaps it's just her roots, considering when she first came home to me she lived in the tub for a couple of hours...

aww. only one year old. so tiny!