
i'll meet you at the airport bar.

via we heart it

i'm pretty excited to be flying up to san francisco tomorrow for my best friend Ashley's wedding. but quite honestly it might be the airport bar i am so excited for. buying a seat on an airplane always feels like buying a ticket to a super exclusive club, filled with bloody marys and friendly conversation with people you will never have to see again (two things i truly adore).

definitely also excited to see all of the people who i always LOVE to see again-- my family, my best bitches... and spesh boys too! i'm predicting lots of dancing, fun, and general wedding debauchery to come this weekend. although my mom will be in attendance, and she has warned me about embarrassing her! ruh-oh!

pictures to follow!



late night tag playing/swinging+lots of new friends+the heat+early mornings= i am in dire need of a good night's sleep. the rising mercury has made it hard to get motivated to do anything, but i have managed to list a bunch of new goodies in the shop...

like this yummy hippie mini tent dress:

what a lovely little collar. maybe no one will bid.

and this amazeballs leopard coat:

um leopard never ceases to impress me. and what a perf slouchy fit?

tonight, i will attempt to stay cool, catch up on lots of bad tv + get lost in the haze of the wine:

the rising crescendo gives me goosebumps. it feels just like life, sometimes.


oh hai

so i've been pretty miserable for the last two days. mom says we have been having record breaking temps here in LA... but i am just pissed at her for moving my black ass into an apartment with no air conditioning. i have been panting up a storm in this heat... mom has been force feeding me water and dousing me with it in an attempt to cool me down. she has also been taking me for special trips outside to the porch where it's not AS sweltering, and today she even tried to put me in a cold bath with her (i didn't like that too much.) she seems to also be trying to exploit my almost heatstroke by taking videos and photographing me at my worst, case in point:

i think she is just truly scared of my behavior, but this documentation is still quite embarrassing for me. i hope tomorrow isn't as hot as today, otherwise i might be forced to claw my way out of this hot box of doom while mom is at work.

[it has been ungodly hot. i feel like i am in that episode of the twilight zone when the earth is like three inches from the sun and all the paint is melting off the pictures. someone save me.]


i luff this.

find more here.

in other words, hold my hand...

so for the last two days i have been inexplicably craving pizza from Jupiter in Berkeley. {{mmm yummy potato + bacon pizza}} i even mentioned it here. tonight i discover that Jupiter the planet is the closest it has been to the earth in 47 years this week. tonight it's the super bright star right next to the (also bright) full moon:

the moon + jupiter = frens.

weird, yes? no? am i psychic? umok i'll just be happy when i get my paws on some of that pizza.

my tummy is growling. and now i have frank sinatra stuck in my head.


today i love

  • running all around hollywood in a parrot nightgown:

  • being super busy&happy&proud.
  • shop updates.
  • awkward run ins ending up as free dinners.
  • being excited for this show. haha i would call him "tony danza" too. well, on the days i wasn't calling him "mr. micelli." or "mr. banta" or simply, "hold me closer tony danzaaaa."
  • flying to jupiter next week. yummmmmm.
  • good dreams.



    this is garbage!

    admittedly, i have not yet seen ALL the runway photos from this year's NYFW-- but from what I HAVE seen, i have to say that i am significantly underwhelmed. nothing really jumped out at me, and i had trouble feeling truly inspired by even my most favorite designers.

    i loved betsey johnson's colorful + voluminous evening dresses-- can we get these scaled down and made into barbie dresses, please?:

    betsey's runway shows always make fashion look so fun; i hope the
    aren't true!

    i also never dislike marc by marc jacobs; however this year i wasn't drooling as much over the effortless style of the actual collection as i was over the drool-worthiness over mj HIMSELF.

    he always looks so hot. someone please save me from continually lusting over gay men.

    jeremy scott did have some interesting things going on this season. i couldn't tell if i interpreted the collection with an appreciative and ironic eye, or if the whole thing simply translated as a desperate and almost obvious attempt to be WTF chic. it probably doesn't help that the infamous "singer-who-thinks-a-dollar-sign-is-a-letter" has a very obvious and totally uninspired obsession with "garbage fashion."

    but what i absolutely LOVED was the close reminiscence of one of j scott's collection's signature pieces, the "garbage dress" to one of my most loved classic television moments--

    remember when lucy and the gang were in Paris, and her and ethel were just dying over the latest designer dresses? ricky won't buy her one of the hot 'fits, so she goes on a hunger strike... then he discovers that good ole ethel has been sneaking lucy baguettes in her camera bag. to get back at them he has dresses made from potato sacks and sews the designer's labels in them:

    ethel and lucy 1956 vs jeremy scott, spring 2011

    of course the punchline is that, after seeing dresses, the designer copies them and puts them into his next collection.

    i think this is a garbage dress i could proudly wear tongue-in-cheek-- in honor of Paris, and Lucy.

    photos via nymag.com

    here we go again

    this song just won't leave me alone. i don't even particularly love it, but it has been in my head for three days straight. maybe it's the handclaps. i'm a sucker for handclaps.


    i am having an absolute ball

    at work.

    can you tell?

    showing off some recently thrifted treasures: skinny blue leather "grid" watch, beaded leather necklace/bracelet, skinny leather belt (i just love the tiny little tassels), and long floral patterned skirt (worn as a tube dress.)

    pardon my glasses and muss (is that a word?-)this is my "i-rolled-out-of-bed-at-1030-and-got-here-at-1105" look.

    and no, i don't work for the department of redundancy department, although you might guess that with the skinny heart fetish i clearly seem to have going on here.


    look into the mirror and you pose pose pose

    i don't recommend listening to the new weepies album while attempting to get ready for your night. because there won't be a whole lot of getting ready. there WILL, however, be a lot of jamming, looking up lyrics, buying tickets to their show with money you lack, and, oh yes, WEEPING. and it's hard to get your eye makeup straight in a situation like that. there is something about this chicks voice, the melodies, the words... sheesh i love this band.

    you can listen to it for free here. i am especially loving tracks 1, 2, 3 and 6.

    now i just need a date for the show!


    nighttime tinycraft.

    so, i am definitely not a crafty person. i adore diy-- but crafts take time, and energy, money, and SPACE-- none of which i have a real excess of. but when a super easy craft just sneaks up on me and says "heather! i'm easy! DO ME!!" i have to oblige.

    i inherited a Target "shoe shelf" from the chick who used to live in my room. i use it as a side-table type setup to help me organize all the little craps that inevitably end up right next to my bed (makeup, change, contact solution, BILLS, etc.) A lot of my everyday toiletry type things ended up just getting shoved in one of these cubbies, so i wanted a little box to put them in to help "organize." an empty kleenex box was just the right size. so i cut the top off, and filled it up with all my loose things.

    it was ugly. and it started to fall apart after two days. but tonight i realized i had the means to beautify this makeshift box.


    • green duct tape (from the 99 cent store) and scissors
    • extra fabric cut from a thrifted dress:

    • elmers glue (i probably could have used something stronger, but that's is all i had :)
    • and kleenex box (reinforced with aforementioned duct tape.)

    the hem of the dress was obviously straight, so i just positioned it around the top lip of the kleenex box, then slathered elmers all over the fabric AND the box. snipped it to fit, and then wrapped the bottom like i would wrap a present (with lots of glue.) it's not lined, it's not perfect, but it's much cuter than it was when i started!:

    i reinforced the bottom of the box with the coordinating duct tape. and i credit the whole project to the empty glass of wine. :)

    wearing hats.

    so i have been hard at work listing all sorts of vintage threads over at my ebay store. i'm having so much fun with it, but it's definitely difficult to part with certain pieces-- when they get their first bid my heart sinks a little.

    like this PERFECT boyfriend blazer:

    what an amazing fit/color, AND never-been-worn vintage deadstock to boot!? i don't know if i will be able to let this guy go.

    or this crepe-y 90s babydoll dress:

    the pattern is to die!

    i also love this hat:

    but i feel like like a fool in hats. i'm not even completely sure how to wear a hat like this-- is there supposed to be space between the top of the hat and my head? or is my head supposed to fill up the entire hat? perhaps my nog is just too big.


    when i was small

    i used to like to have my mom "make me into" the bed after she did the laundry.

    i guess this one really was meant to be mine!



    goodbye, my most beloved betsey johnson necklace. you treated me well. i remember the first time i saw you in loehmanns, so long ago. even though you were a bargain, i would never call you cheap. i loved how you laid on me, and how you complemented all my other chains without jealousy. (just so you know-- you were always my favorite.) i hope some lucky person discovered you on that pile of clothes in the thrift store dressing room and will wear you with style and pride.

    link love.

    • Um, how come no one has told me about this wine before?
    • I really wish I had drunk history teachers. They would have made taking notes much more fun. (But I wouldn't recommend watching Vol. 6 if you have a vomit aversion such as I do!)
    • This music video concept is pretty amazing. Doesn't hurt that it's The Arcade Fire.
    • Speaking of music, here is a lovely little preview of Belle & Sebastian's new album. Oh, and Carey Mulligan can sing, too? What a perfect little indie queen she is :)


    You're my favourite book.

    So having lived in five different places in the last year has presented certain problems. One being that it's difficult to cart around a collection of books to each new apartment/town. Now I don't believe in defining yourself by the books that you have on your shelf, and I am a proud book borrower/lender... but sometimes I do get a little nostalgic for my own personal library. LibraryThing lets you show off all the books you have read, own, or plan to read, without the hassles of lugging 100 lbs of book boxes all over town.

    Now the task just becomes cataloging 26 years worth of books from my memory banks...yay!


    What I Wore [Sunday]

    it's been soooo hot here (i guess it doesn't help that i dont have a/c...or a fan). by the time i'm ready to leave the house i just want to put on the breeziest thing i can find. this vintage romper from the 80s fits the bill perfectly! it's a vary rare thing that a "onesie" fits my extra long torso, and i adore the lovely color. perfect for Sunday brunch... bring on the mimosas!