
You're my favourite book.

So having lived in five different places in the last year has presented certain problems. One being that it's difficult to cart around a collection of books to each new apartment/town. Now I don't believe in defining yourself by the books that you have on your shelf, and I am a proud book borrower/lender... but sometimes I do get a little nostalgic for my own personal library. LibraryThing lets you show off all the books you have read, own, or plan to read, without the hassles of lugging 100 lbs of book boxes all over town.

Now the task just becomes cataloging 26 years worth of books from my memory banks...yay!


  1. omg I love library thing, I've saved over 100 books in there so I dont have to keep picking my brain!

  2. Don't forget to add Swimming Sweet Arrow!
